Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ten On Tuesday....Thankful Edition

1.  I am thankful for a God who loves me and all that comes with it, His Holy Word, salvation, and my church family.

2. These four wonderful people that complete my immediate family.  I am so blessed with a husband who loves me and three amazing children that are growing so fast it makes me sad sometimes.

3. My job that fits into my schedule that lets me still be the mom that my children need.  Also the job my husband has that helps provide all our needs.

4. My home that keeps me sheltered from weather and my safe refuge when life gets tough.

5. Hugs.  There are nothing like hugs and snuggling.

6. Books.

7. The ability to go for a walk and enjoy the smell of someone doing their laundry as I pass by.  That smell always makes me happy.

8. Knitting and spinning.  The ability to make something with my hands.

9. Smiles.

10. Music.  I love to listen to music and it can be such a mood changer for me when I am stressed or angry.  Cranking up the iPod and rocking out is always a good way to remind me that most of the things we worry about are pretty petty and not of much consequence in the big scheme of things.

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