Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Today was a Good Day (although a little sad)!!!!!!!!

Lunches were made.

Two little girls went to school.

One little boy, ate pizza, cookies and played with his friends.

A little knitting was accomplished, along with dishes, cookie baking, pizza making, kid picking upping, and being a little sad as I realize that my little girls are getting so big. Someone needs to remind kindergarten teachers that it is hard on moms so the sappy stuff that makes us cry is hitting below the belt. Even though I do appreciate that they think of us.


Guinifer said...

I want to smooch that little boys cheeks!

sheep#100 said...

Agreed. These first days of the new school year are killers: our little playmates have all gone to class... :o(

Anonymous said...

awww, look at all those big smiles!

Anonymous said...

Right there with you. My oldest started middle school, my middle started 1st grade, which is ALL day, and he wanted to ride the bus this year, and my baby started preschool. Good thing that's only a MWF thing. But, I still cried.

Kathy... said...

Boy.....does that post bring back memories. My kids were always the "well adjusted" kind that skipped off into the classrooms never looking back with sad little eyes.... Good thing too, I know. But me - I always sniffled all the way home after leaving them. And then there was the day that the youngest went off to school. Oh Boy!! Just wait for THAT one!