Thursday, March 27, 2008


is for FINISHED the FIRST SOCK. I have FINISHED the FIRST of the Swirl socks. I really like the pattern and I like how it pooled around FOOT. I have seamed up the toe and I am ready to start the second sock unless I get the notion to start another pair FIRST.

F is also for FED UP and FINDING confidence in FIXING mistakes. It snowed again this morning but it has mostly melted off which is good. I noticed on the heel that I had slipped a stitch by accident and I was able to ladder down and FIX it. I was pretty excited. I year ago I would have ripped the whole sock out because I was never able to get it back on the needles after ripping backs a ways.

I haven't been spinning lately since I was FOCUSING on the sock. I guess I better get the other one cast on before my attention wanders.


Janice said...

Oooh, it looks great! I can't wait to get mine finished as well. I am really liking the pattern. I definitely think you should cast on #2! (so I will be inspired to do the same!)

Anonymous said...

beautiful sock, nice FIX

Tonni said...

It's a beautimous "F"irst sock!!

hakucho said...

Love the color :)