Monday, September 10, 2007

What I Did While the StinkerBug was at Preschool!!!!

I picked up the living room and vacuumed. Yes that is a floor without toys, dolls, blankets, books, and shoes. I am sure it won't stay that way long. Yes my wonderful husband, I don't just sit and knit all day.

I made supper. It is a chili day here in Minnesota (pun intended) and I thought it would be perfect to make a big crockpot of chili so I can knit this afternoon.

I washed dishes. I am still waiting to win the lottery so I can have a full time housekeeper to do this but it has to be done. I guess I need to play the lottery to win though huh???

NO, I haven't knitted in almost three days. This is a current picture of the blanket I am working on. I plan to work on it this afternoon if all goes well.

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