Saturday, May 30, 2009

Would-a, Should-a, Could-a

I would-a been blogging but it has been really busy around here.

I finished these footies. They are pretty comfortable but not sure if I like them or not yet. I know if I make another pair, I should have enough for a few more rows of the cuff before starting the foot. I actually did a short row heel (which I hardly ever do).

I should-a posted about the girls last days of school. I took this on Thursday after making the final lunch for the year. Friday was their last day but they ate at the picnic at the park. I also went to school on Thursday to visit a plastic company that is in our small town and to take freezer pops to the children in Punkinbug's kindergarten class.

I could-a posted about the dishcloths that I churned out earlier this week. I made five in five days. I made these for the helpers in the girl's classrooms. I had one already done from a while back it just needed the ends woven in. I wove in the ends the morning they took them to school.

These posts might have happened if my son hadn't become the little computer geek. I mean geek in the best way possible here no offense intended at all.


Guinifer said...

That is a whole lot a pink n purple in that lunchbox photo!

Linda said...

Geek is not a dirty word. :)